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Support That Makes a Difference

Woman by the Water

Life Coaching

Find Greater Fulfillment

In life coaching, we will focus on specific areas of your personal life that you would like to improve. Possibilities include:

  • Relationships

  • Healthy habits and routines

  • Parenting

  • Life Stage Adjustment (e.g. becoming a parent, entering retirement)

  • Decision-making

  • Aligning the way you live your life with who you really are and what you really want!

Crossing the River

Vocational Coaching

Thrive in Your Vocation

In vocational coaching, we will focus on specific areas of your professional life that you would like to improve. Possibilities include:

  • Leadership

  • Motivation

  • Productivity

  • Communication

  • ​Career change

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What does a coaching session look like?

The GROW model provides a simple overview of the components of each session.


What do you want?


We will explore how you would like things to be different in your life. We will get clear and specific about what that will look like.


Where are you now?


We will discuss your current situation, including what you have already tried and what is keeping you stuck.


What could you do?


We will brainstorm and get creative in generating possibilities. We will analyze which options best match you and your priorities.


What will you do?


You will commit to an action plan. This will include planning for obstacles and how you will be accountable to following through.


Our work together will help you identify what is keeping you stuck and take actions that will move you to where you want to be.

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